T. 07768 654955 E. scott.walker@scconsultancy.uk

SAMW welcome standalone FSA

The conclusions reached by the Scudamore panel in favour of a standalone Scottish FSA provide a clear, welcome and positive basis on which to move the meat chain in Scotland forward says Alan Craig, SAMW President.

“The proposal for a standalone FSA in Scotland is in the best interests of Scotland and offers the chance for a welcome fresh start for everyone involved in meat production, processing, retailing and consumption,” said Mr Craig. “The panel undertook a challenging task and has delivered a clear, thoughtful and progressive report which we hope will result in a rapid move towards the early implementation of its conclusions.

“While the implementation itself will require careful management, we believe there is now an opportunity for the whole meat chain to embrace genuine operational harmony and a truly positive partnership between industry and regulators. The proposed new body will also ensure that food safety and consumer confidence remains at the forefront of our industry within a rigorous, but effective, hygiene and inspection process.

“We’ve believed for a while that a clean slate was needed if the industry in Scotland was to be allowed to move forward as a modern, efficient and responsible sector. The panel’s conclusions give us that chance and we look forward to working with industry partners to achieve the new vision which is now before us.”

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