T. 07768 654955 E. scott.walker@scconsultancy.uk

SPS delay is dangerous says SAMW

UK Government dithering on the implemention of essential Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) controls, which are needed to protect both public and animal health relating to meat imports, is exposing Scotland’s beleaguered pig sector to potentially devastating disease risks says the Scottish Association of Meat Wholesalers (SAMW).

“Unchecked imports are adding to the very real threat of African Swine Fever (ASF) being introduced into the UK from infected stock sourced from Europe, or via travellers bringing contaminated pork products into the country,” said SAMW Executive Manager, Martin Morgan. “The UK Government’s decision to once again delay the full implementation of import controls, possibly until next year, is a gross neglect of the health of Scottish pig industry.

“Pig producers urgently need their national Government to step up and take action on this issue. Otherwise, we could easily be facing catastrophic problems.”