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Princess Royal opens upgraded Dunbia Highland Meats facility

Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal has officially opened Dunbia Highland Meats’ upgraded abattoir and cutting facility in Saltcoats.

Alongside the royal entourage, representatives from Quality Meat Scotland (QMS), the Scottish Government, retail customers, and farmers that supply Dunbia Highland Meats were among those attending the opening ceremony on March 31, 2022.

Princess Royal with Niall Browne CEO of Dawn Meats

“It was an absolute pleasure to have The Princess Royal open our new facility,” said Niall Browne, Chief Executive of Dunbia (UK).

“We are immensely proud of the enhanced plant which allows us to process the highest-quality Scotch Beef products for Scottish, British, and overseas consumption.”

Kate Rowell, Chair of QMS commented: “The visit not only provided the opportunity for us to showcase more about the production of top-quality Scotch Beef PGI, but allowed stakeholders from all stages of the supply chain to come together and celebrate innovation and progress within the red meat industry.”